SSD or HDD: we help you choose

Updated on 8 May 2023

After hours of comparison and analysis, here are our tips for choosing the product that best suits your needs.


The SSD, ideal for performance

  • Speed
  • Compactness
  • Robustness
  • Price per GB
  • Limited lifetime

The SSD offers a much higher operating speed than the HDD, as it can exceed 3 GB/s. It is therefore ideal for keeping your device running smoothly, both when running your operating system and when playing games. Be aware, however, that the higher the performance, the higher the price.

However, this type of disc is based on semiconductors (fixed parts) which tend to deteriorate with use until they reach their lifespan (expressed in write cycles).

However, the absence of moving parts is not without its advantages: it makes the SSD the ideal hard drive for laptops, thanks to its reduced sensitivity to shocks and therefore to regular movement. Its compact form factor reinforces this use, especially for M.2 (NVMe) drives.


The HDD, practical for pure storage

  • Economic
  • Durable
  • Limited flows
  • Transport-sensitive

The HDD is the “oldest” type of hard disk in use today. It is based on a magnetic disc on which the various data are written.

As this formula is already somewhat outdated, it is the most economical. It also uses very few printed circuit boards, which means less wear and tear and a theoretically infinite lifespan.

On the other hand, HDDs are still less efficient than SSDs, with maximum speeds limited to 550 MB/s. This makes them good for pure storage, but less interesting for launching applications or programmes.

In addition, the use of removable parts has many drawbacks, such as their sensitivity to shocks and a certain risk of degradation during the transport of a device equipped with this type of disc.


In conclusion

In short, it all depends on performance, but also on resistance to shocks and the passage of time. Format and price are also factors that can influence your choice.

Choose the SSD for launching programs or applications or even for storing your operating system. It is also the most reliable solution for laptop PCs thanks to its greater robustness. The HDD is more suited to pure storage thanks to its low price and long lifespan.

In our opinion, the ideal solution is to combine the two types of disks in your installation to dedicate each of them to its use.


Translated by Ramsés El Hajje

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