Pyrolysis or Catalysis: We help you choose

Updated on 8 May 2023

After hours of comparison and analysis, here are our tips for choosing the product that best suits your needs.


The pyrolysis oven, for thorough cleaning

Four Pyrolyse

  • Full oven cleaning
  • No manual cleaning required
  • Longer service life
  • High energy consumption
  • Blocks the use of the oven for several hours
  • Possible unpleasant smell due to the high temperature

The pyrolysis system heats the inside of the oven to over 500°C to destroy all food residues, including fats and sugars. These are reduced to ash, so you only have to wipe them off to get a clean oven.

This is a programme to be run when the oven is not in use. It usually lasts several hours, during which time the oven is locked out, and inevitably consumes a lot of energy. But it is radical on dirt, including the inside of the door and the rack. Other accessories, however, are not always compatible with this cleaning system, so check before leaving them in.


The catalytic oven, less expensive but less efficient

Four Catalyse

  • Less expensive
  • Less energy consuming
  • Works during cooking
  • Additional manual cleaning required
  • Walls to be maintained or replaced

A catalytic oven is distinguished by its microporous enamel walls. They are recognisable because they are rough to the touch. These walls will absorb the grease splashes during the cooking programmes when the temperature rises above 200°C.

The process is a little less efficient because it is limited to the oven cavity. Manual cleaning will therefore be necessary for the rack(s) and the inside of the door. Furthermore, the catalytic walls do not have an unlimited life span: they must be replaced after about 5 years.


In conclusion

Although both are self-cleaning systems, they differ from each other in the level of cleaning efficiency, the energy consumption of the process and, most importantly, their price.

The catalytic oven is the preferred solution if you have a limited budget, for example for a student or secondary kitchen. If, on the other hand, you cook intensively and have the possibility of investing the price of a pyrolysis oven, it will greatly facilitate the cleaning stage.


Translated by Ramsés El Hajje

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